WEB-SEMINAR: Essentials of Packaging Printing 02 (Advanced)

Particularly suitable for beginners in the field of product management, marketing and purchasing at branded goods, trading companies         
and everyone else who is interested in packaging printing!

Duration approx. 2 hours, includes all relevant topics to have a say in the industry.
Registration deadline: 24 hours before the start. At short notice on request!

Part 1 - click here
Part 3 - click here
Part 4 in planning
Save money! Special price for booking all 3 parts at once (see price overview).

New! We offer individually designed packages or packages for companies. Prices and details on request.   

Contact us
Zeiten:Part 01: 08:30 - 10:30 Uhr
Part 02: 08:30 - 10:30 Uhr
Part 03: 08:30 - 10:30 Uhr
Ort/Raum:GoToWebinar (via Browser or Mobil App)
After registering, you will receive a link from us that enables you to access the web seminar.
Please check your sound and microphone settings for functionality in advance.


With our three-part web-seminar series, we provide you a sustainable introduction to this topic. With each of the three parts “beginners”, “advanced” and “experts” we bring you closer to the goal being able to specify the printing of your packaging correctly and efficiently, knowing and observing the really decisive criteria and being able to communicate with your suppliers on an equal footing.


Packaging is your thing and you want to know more about the printing process. We have exactly what you need!
Increase the attractiveness of the packaging, optimize costs and profitability, be faster on the market, use ressources as sensible as possible, avoid waste, live sustainability, express your expectations correctly.

Interesting for

Those interested in packaging printing. Beginners and advanced learners in the field of product management, marketing and purchasing at branded goods and trading companies.


Prices Web-Seminar Advanced:
DFTA-Member: 99,- EUR p. Person excl. tax
125,- EUR p. Person excl. tax
Special Price Web-Seminare: (Newcomer+ Advanced+ Expert)
DFTA-Member: 279,- EUR p. Person excl. tax
369,- EUR p. Person excl. tax

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Shireen Staib


Tel: +49 711 67896 0

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Prof. Dr. Martin Dreher - Anerkannter Experte im Flexodruck.

Prof. Dr. Martin Dreher

Wissenschenschaftliche Leitung des DFTA-Technologiezentrums

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