English flexo printing training

Are you new to flexographic printing or even the packaging printing industry?
Have you been working in the flexographic printing industry for some time but would like to take a detailed look at the bigger picture?

Then our Basic Training is just perfect for you! From a joint onboarding on basic printing knowledge, to the peculiarities of flexographic printing in the sub-disciplines of prepress, press and postpress, to the technological challenges and corresponding solutions, we will make you fit in the 3 days of training!
nächster Termin:20. 05. 2025 - 22. 05. 2025
Zeiten:Seminar times

Day 1: 09:00 am until 5 pm
Day 2: 09:00 am until 5 pm
Day 3: 09:00 am until 5 pm

DFTA Technologiezentrum Stuttgart
Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart (Media University)
Room 197
Nobelstr. 10
70569 Stuttgart
Preis:1.875,- € Charge per Person for DFTA-Members
2.530,- € Regular charge per Person

The price offered includes printed course documentation, lunch, drinks and writing materials.
Accommodation and travel costs are not included in the price.

content in more detail

The goal of the workshop is to make the participants fit enough to understand flexographic printing in its entirety within the 3 days.

This includes being able to categorise it as a packaging printing process in the field of printing technology, having internalised its basic functionality and knowing its peculiarities and challenges and how to make them manageable. We want to show you how flexographic printing works, what it can do and what it cannot do. True to the motto: ‘Easy to understand, difficult to master’. Both is our ambition. Contents:
  • Wrap up on the basics of printing technology and printing processes
  • General prepress workflow
  • Special features of flexographic printing repro
    - Halftone screen
    - Trapping
    - Colour set-up
  • Flexographic printing form production in theory and practice
  • Substrates in flexographic printing (overview)
  • Common printing ink systems for flexographic printing
  • Flexographic printing press designs
  • Components of the printing press
    - Chamber doctor blade
    - Anilox roller
    - adapter
    - sleeves
  • Printing parameters
    - Impression setting
    - Print speed
    - True rolling
  • Process control
    - Visual
    - Densitometric
    - Spectrophotometric

We teach all this content in a flexible mix of theory and practice. The 3rd day of your training is dedicated to printing. Here we would like to take you to our printing press and experience some of the content you have learnt at first hand.

Your benefit

In principle, flexographic printing is a simple printing process. However, its complexity can quickly become overwhelming.

Which printing plate prints best on uncoated paper?
Why is brightening the colour tone of a process ink by adding solvent a bad idea?
What are flat-top dot technologies, surface screens and seemless printing forms all about?

These are all important questions for understanding and mastering modern flexographic printing. We would like to answer these and many other exciting questions together with you to make you fit for your industry. 

Circle of participants

The training is tailored to 2 target groups. On the one hand, newcomers who have just entered the packaging printing industry or are at least new to flexo printing -> employees who have been working in offset for years and are now confronted with the peculiarities of flexo printing for the first time. On the other hand, the content should also appeal to people who have been working in flexographic printing for some time, but only in one specific area (repro, supplier, printer). These people are offered a view beyond their own horizons and a solid overview of the printing process with which they have been in contact for some time, but only selectively.
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1.875,- € Charge per Person for DFTA-Members
2.530,- € Regular charge per Person

The price offered includes printed course documentation, lunch, drinks and writing materials.
Accommodation and travel costs are not included in the price.


  1. Anmeldung und Anmeldebestätigung

    Eine Anmeldung zu den Seminaren ist nur schriftlich möglich. Sobald eine Anmeldung erfolgt ist, erhält der Auftraggeber eine schriftliche Bestätigung

  2. Termine

    Die Seminartermine sind verbindlich, sobald sie vom DFTA-Technologiezentrum schriftlich bestätigt wurden. Ist das Seminar ausgebucht, werden Sie unverzüglich davon unterrichtet. Wir nehmen dann auf Wunsch eine Umbuchung auf ein entsprechendes Folgeseminar vor.

  3. Absagen durch den Veranstalter

    Eine Absage des Seminars durch das DFTA-Technologiezentrum kann bis zu einer Woche vor Seminarbeginn ohne Angabe von Gründen schriftlich erfolgen. Die Kursgebühren werden in diesem Fall voll erstattet. Hotelreservierungen sind durch die Teilnehmer zu stornieren.

  4. Absagen durch Teilnehmer

    Teilnahmestornierungen müssen grundsätzlich schriftlich erfolgen und spätestens 14 Tage vor Beginn der Veranstaltung eingehen, andernfalls wird die gesamte Teilnahmegebühr fällig.

  5. Seminargebühren

    Es gelten die Preise der jeweils zum Zeitpunkt der Seminardurchführung gültigen Preisliste. Die Seminargebühren beinhalten Tagungsgetränke, Mittagessen, sowie Seminarunterlagen. Die Seminargebühren sind auf die auf der Rechnung angegebenen Bankverbindungen zu überweisen. 

  6. Hotelreservierung

    Hotelreservierungen sind durch die Teilnehmer vorzunehmen. Hotelvorschläge in der Nähe der Flexodruck Akademie und des CCD Leipzig finden Sie auf unserer Website. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Hotelpreise zu Messezeiten höher sind.

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Shireen Staib


Tel: +49 711 67896 0

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Dipl. Ing. (FH) Anke Frieser-Tausch

Technische Leitung im DFTA-Technologiezentrum, Druckingenieurin, Seminarreferentin

zum Profil »
Fabian Heiss

B.Eng. Fabian Heiss

Druckingenieur im DFTA-Technologiezentrum und Seminarreferent

zum Profil »
Prof. Dr. Martin Dreher - Anerkannter Experte im Flexodruck.

Prof. Dr. Martin Dreher

Wissenschenschaftliche Leitung des DFTA-Technologiezentrums

zum Profil »
Sascha Schoppe

Sascha Schoppe

Druck-Technologe DFTA-Technologiezentrum

zum Profil »
Senol Mor

Senol Mor

Druck-Technologe im DFTA-Technologiezentrum

zum Profil »

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